Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Arrival

when reading the arrivals I was fascinated by fact that there was a book out there with only words, and the storytelling is just amazing like when they show the family in this place that is threatening there way of living like shaun tan all he had to show was a representation of something evil that lurked in the city and he did it with the creatures tale casting a shadow on the building and homes. and it was really interesting when he is crossing the atlantic ocean, and theres 2 pages which describe the days it took to get to there destination only threw the shapes of the cloud and how they were different each frame, implying that time was going by. Also the thing that blew me away was how he was a foreign land where he didn't know the language but neither did we so he was communicating with people only threw pictures, which is ironic because the book itself has no words in it, so that was really interesting that I found, over all the art work was just incredible. Also because I felt like I could some what assimilate to that situation on various levels, like my  family kinda went threw the same situation when immigrating from pakistan to Canada, and I didn't know any english so it kind of similar and since english is my second language and being a visual artist, I could never get a good grasp of language, never good at writing, but I could communicate with my drawings so one thing that I learn was, emotions will tell half of your story for you, so you have to be careful of what you show in each frame, and Shaun Tan knew what he was doing, because I think the way he told the story was at such a pure level that, you really begin to connect with the character.

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